Q: Can this product really dye my hair?
A: If used correctly, yes! 

Q: If I have white hairs, what product should I be using?
A: We recommend using "dark coffee" and "dark red wine" products. The white your hair is, the brighter the color effect.

Q: How long should I keep it in my hair before rinsing?
A: We recommend anywhere between 5-15 minutes. Outcomes will vary based on thickness of hair, duration, and frequency of use. The more thicker and darker the hair, the longer it should be left in before rinsing.

Q: What are the ingredients?
A: This product contains botanical ingredients such as black sesame oil, coconut oil, olive oil, ginseng extract, which are safe and healthy for your hair

Q: Can I use this for my eyebrows or beard?
A: No, please avoid your eyebrows and beard.

Q: Can I use this if I already dyed my hair black?
A: Hair that has been dyed black cannot be colored with any of our available colors.

Q: What if I'm allergic to the product?
A: Please do a skin allergy test before using product. Apply the mixture behind your ears, and if a rash occurs within 48 hours, discontinue use.

Q: I noticed the shampoo is colorless when it comes out.
A: There are 2 different ingredients that mix together when you squeeze the bottle. It is normal, just make sure you angle the bottle accordingly when squeezing.

Q: Can I open the bottle and transfer to another bottle?
A: Please do not open the bottle as the ingredients will oxidize and it will not be effective.

Q: Can this product cause stains?
A: As with any dye's, prolonged application of product may leave a stain. To prevent staining on your skin, wash off the product within a few minutes of application. If it can't be washed off, it will naturally come off in about three days. To prevent your nails from staining your hands, you may use a glove to apply the product.

Other Disclaimers:
- Avoid contacting the eyes with the product. If it sticks to the eyes, do not rub it and rinse with water.
- Do not use this product to dye eyebrows and eyelashes.
- Children should avoid contact with this product
- Do not use during pregnancy

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